Scinan Desert ☼

The Scinan Desert is a dry continent made up mostly of an Erg desert, with a tall windy Hamada desert blocking all rains; little water is found here other than that sourced from magic. This is where the Scinan Desert is ruled: a powerful family of magical Bellfoxes control what little water is in their oasis. This family is said to have destroyed the dragons of lore, taking both their magic and rich wealth for themselves and creating the Oasis City. They frequently don themselves in dragonscales for protection.

The goddess Atarnua blesses this land with a warm, constant sun, and frequently makes her presence here. There is a massive, ancient library hidden somewhere in the deep crevices of the rocky pleatau'd desert where few live but the Elder Grande Harpies record all the history of the world.

bg: Pepperly & Flowscape