
In this world, there are canines with wings and crowns known as Krylya. The detail on their crowns signify their royalty, as they are gifted these crowns by the Queen. One cannot create these crowns themselves; they are special in the sense that they will adapt based on the owner's personality, and only the Queen can create them. Most commonly, these crowns are simple. On occasion, some crowns may be embedded with crystals or have more shape or design to them, such as swirls. Rarer crowns often do not follow the same generic shape that common ones do, they are more complex and most often than not are embedded with jewels. Lastly, there is one special crown that belongs to the God of the Krylya. The Queen carries out the God's work for them. Also they can change the appearance of their wings because it's cool :D


Blubbee - a half-Krylya-half-fox who is the son of Kristall and Jamie. He is very shy and desperately wants to make friends, but the problem is the fact that in this planet, Krylya are the only species with wings (apart from birds), and the majority of them are hidden within their kingdom in the clouds. His crown was a gift passed down from his mother; the colour changed to silver to better represent its new owner. Often called Bee or Blue.

Kristall - full name is Kristallia Brillar. Back when she was younger, Kris enjoyed exploring the ground world, despite the rules of her kingdom. She met Jamie when he had found a strange creature, injured, which he soon learned to be Kristall - a Krylya, and the two have been together since then. When Kristall told the Queen that she fell in love with a fox, she was quickly banished from their kingdom.

Jamie - a half-wild-half-city fox that lives in the forest. He wears a coat to keep himself warm, only taking it off when Kristall is injured and he needs it to stop the bleeding. Initially, he wasn't much of an explorer, but he knew how to take care of himself; being around Kristall caused him to change his mind, since he had never been around anyone other than his family. Jamie would go to the ends of the earth to protect Kristall from any danger.

thanks to @DoggieWuv for better english yesyes