
A hive mind species of bat/mammal/insect-like creatures. 

(Will add more detail laters

monster male female Nightmarian demon dark fantasy devilhyena creature Female fantasy purple Male mioster The Prototype bloodline hyena hybrid woman Insect cute Bat blue cruel animal Fantasy teenager cartoony wolf girl Creature Princess wereraccoon supernatural OC shapeshifter Shapeshifter Nightingale hive Prince humanoid Drone Killer Family fuzzy animal-like gay beard water supernatual magenta blank eyes anthro hamster wild red eyed cat like pretty drummer bird phoenix Original character Element Canine Western hooker Mysterious roleplay biomechanical Palefur queen elf carcass manipulator disease manipulator cambion dog moody masked rayman inspired blond serial killer boy long haired causal kind colorblind sassy fringe hairdo mascot avatar Lycan Werewolf Coyote Sand Money hungry Weird kid TVstomach Nightingale smoke blood manipulater rot manipulator father lightning night sickly grox armless neckless man young depressed good natured orange feisty werecat humonoid punk goth big lashes avian pheenixgryphondor Wicked Evil Anthro fun Demon child mischievous biomechanical_demon_alien_hybrid mother temperature manipulator Worker dehydration manipulator Biomim creepy Groxxin bully new homosexual elemental red violet calm feral chubby hamster wolf anti-hero witch gangster badass butchy griffin pheenixgryphon Wolf Elder Magical Cowboy Greedy Cat-like alien bratty Stellaluna Humanoid PeachRose hive bioweapon scientist Prototype family