"Gay Milk"

  • Please run on Firefox! [ https://azureanchors.itch.io/gay-milk-game ]
  • Godot Wild and Proud Mini Game Jam 2024
    • Theme: Support ✅
    • Wildcards:
      • Iconic ✅
      • Show Your Colors ✅
      • What's the T ✅
  • Premise: Twisting "XYZ makes kids gay!" into an everyday item that everyone has had at least once in their lives- Milk! Join Goth Farmer and Sunshine Wife in feeding their dairy cow different foods to unlock secrets on the farm!
  • Alt Title idea: TMITTKG - "The Milk is turning the kids gay?!"
  • Gameplay: Feed the cow different item combos from the Farmer's Market to unlock secret colorways.

ClosedSpecies PakkeliCluster ArtFight2024 ArtFight ArtFight24 TeamStardust Team Stardust Pakkeli Closed Species Pakaasu Female Light sailormoon closedspecies Pavesi Art Fight Green Purple Crystalomic Ears