City Lights

World is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.


"City Lights" verse is an alternate universe that I created, where technology and magic co-exist, civilization varries immensly from tiny settlements in the great outdoors to giant cities full of lights and action. The world is Sci-Fi Fantasy and was primarily created so that all my fantasy Characters could interact. To learn more about each of the 4 realms you can click on the folders above, to see not only what they're all about but also which characters reside there.


"Evolution has made us better with each generation."


"Once we were of the light. Things are different now."

Magic Beings
"We are more than what you might expect."
The Devine
"It would suit us well to be worshiped."

Magic Beings

"We are more than what you might expect."

These are beings of magic, born with inate and powerful abilities. They include; Wizards, Witches, Dragons, Demons, Angels, and Shape Shifters.

The Devine

"It would suit us well to be worshiped."

These are the only beings with access to the dreamscape, with amazing magical abilities, these are Gods, Deities and spirits. They can blip between the Earth and Dreamscape at will and can use this like teleportation. In the Dreamscape they have unlimited magic ability, but once they reach the planet their power is limmited to their Devine Domain.

Cursed Beings

"Once we were of the light. Things are different now."

These are beings that were once natural Mortals that have become mutated or cursed in some way leaving them changed, like; Were-Creatures, Vampires and Undead. One a Mortal has been cursed they will remain so for the rest of their lives (some of which are almost never ending) and pass the curse down to their children, which is why there can be long lines of creatures like Vampires.


"Evolution has made us better with each generation."

These are the natural beings that evoloved on the planet; Humans, Anthros, Dwarves, Elves, and other non magical creatures.

Devine Domain

When on the Earth, the Devine only have power within their given Domain. For example if if there was a Devine who's domain was fire, their only powers when on the mortal plane would be fire related. A domain can be anything, an element, a place, an abstract concept, an item, etc...


Any being that does not have a mortal lifespan. All of the Devine fall within this category but they are also joined by spirits, vampires, undead and dragons.


















"City Lights" verse has a similar history to our earth but there are some different things. Primarily the Devine. The Devine commonly refered to as gods came into existance at the same time as the planet and watched life evolve. very few of the original Devine exist today but many of their offspring are around. The devine created watched the evolution of a group called the Naturals, who evolved to be sentient creatures. Based on the Naturals a few of the original Devine decided that they wished to create life based around the sentient natural beings and thus the Magic were created. The originla Devine eventually lost interest and let their creatoins wanter free creating magical beings that were non sentient and partaking in less humanooid forms. Sometimes things go bad, like food, in this case the magic did bringing about the Cursed. They used to be heavily persecuted for their so called un-natural nature but today they live happily in harmony with the rest of earth's inhabitants.

  • Gods are not all-powerful in this world
  • There hasn't been a war in over 100 years but there have been some pretty hostile countries
  • Humans are the most prevalent race.
  • Curesed beings are often looked down on to this day
  • Swear words are still the same
  • There are underwater cities that don't exist in our world
  • The dreamscape is often used to escape the natural and cursed beings by the magic and devine

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