Pretz's Literatures

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
5 1127

Explicit Violence

The Fashion Industry in the 2000s has been a very unique era. Paradise, a CEO of the fashion brand VESANIA, aspires to take down anyone who dares outshine his own vision for fashion. To any outsider, Paradise is just a businessman, but at heart he is a cold-blooded killer. Using his secretaries Orchid and Rose to indirectly help him murder, Paradise murders for inspiration to invent new clothing lines. But how long is Paradise able to hide his malicious actions from them and the public?

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
5 2587

Taking place within a fictional kingdom similar to early Japan, a princess named Orchid chooses to find what is outside her own small world. Much to Paradise's dismay as her personal Royal Guard, Orchid became inspired by Rose's music to rebel against her old life.