
Animasapians is a series of stories often set in one universe about anthropomorphic animals with RPG-inspired powers. Every story has a different plot, containing the genre of action and fantasy often combined with small elements of sci-fi in a real world-like setting.

After Mother Originator created her universe which she named the "Originator's Plane", she created it's concepts of time, space and everything inside it. The last thing she creates is life and then she leaves the universe behind because she wanted her lifeforms to thrive on her own. At one stage, the evolution tree split, this created Animasapians, starting off as Zoomorphic (taking the shape, image, form of an animal and have human-like intelligence), evolving into Zoothromorphic (same as Zoomorphic but can wear clothing on their torso and also switch to bipedal, using their front legs as arms while doing so) and then eventually Anthropomorphic, created that way to be more like their creator Mother Originator. They have be around for billions of years and have expanded their civilization across the entire universe.
Aura is not only a circle of energy, but also the source of all energy inside of an character. The energy can either be converted into “Aurarite” which can be not only metal but also a fabric-like alloy which can come in different colours and have superhuman durability. However, it is more durable as metal.

Everybody is genetically born with stats structured differently to others which create classes and most of the time different body types portray certain classes. But that may not always be the case, somebody might look really large like a Tanker class but in reality they’re a Blitzer for example. That could be a tactical advantage by tricking others into thinking that they’re something that they are not.

Blitzer: Often characters with small and skinny body types. Stats dominantly and powers rely on attack and speed stats in order to take their opponents down as quickly as possible no matter the costs.

Tanker: Often characters with large body types (including muscular). Stats dominantly and powers rely on attack and speed in order to make them difficult to take down while also doing massive amounts of damage to take the opponent down quickly despite their lack of speed.

Supporter: Often characters with body types between a tanker and a supporter. Stats dominantly and powers rely on speed and defence in order to support themselves and their allies while making it difficult for their opponents to kill them and kill the opponents as slowly as possible.

Amalgamation: As the name implies, an amalgamation of every or two different classes and Amalgamation characters can have any body type. Only a very rare small minority of people are gifted with such a class. Weakness: Just because they can do more than others, that doesn’t mean more than one person can’t work together to take an Amalgamation down and even overwhelm them.

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