The HACDI Project


All the parents in the Kumo/Araigneé families, including estranged/ex-parents.

Nagai Kumo

45 . 6'11" . Daddy Longlegs


Raised in the HACDI, grew up in a Japanese household. Father of 18; 15 biological, 3 stepkids, one estranged. He's a high school history teacher and works construction on the weekends! Aimee's ex-husband, Juniper's current husband.

Aimee Baudelaire

43 . 5'4" . Divorced


Nagai's ex-wife; left after having their 14th son, Kino. Moved to her home country with her eldest daughter and went back to her maiden name.

Juniper Araigneé

45 . 5'8" . House Spider


Raised in the HACDI. Mother of 17; 4 biological and 14 stepkids. Works as a nurse, and practices law part time. She makes a lot of money. Widowed, then married Nagai.

Chad Evans

N/A . 5'10" . Deceased


Juniper's late husband. Father to Auden, Kennedy, and Lucien. Died in a drunk driving accident, in which he was at fault.

Kumo Kids

All of Nagai and Aimee's children, ranging from ages 23 to 5 years old. Aimee and Sanao left the family the day after their youngest, Kino, was born.

Sanao Baudelaire

23 . Female . Estranged


The oldest of the Kumo children; changed her last name shortly after moving to France with her mother at 18. Nagai named her.

Minu Kumo

18 . 6'4" . Black Widow


The oldest child by default. Lives at home, took the role of a pseudo-parent before her dad remarried. Plans to become a teacher! Nagai named her.

Masaki Kumo

17 . 6'6" . Pinktoe Tarantula


Tall and a sweetheart. Thespian, loves to be onstage. He's kind of an idiot, and gets below average grades. Plans to be a social worker! Nagai named him.

Augustine Kumo

16 . 6'2" . Brown Recluse


Goes by Auggie. Emi's identical twin. Very strong and athletic, she does sports to let out her emotions. She has a lot of pent up anger, and is very funny! Wants to be either a professional athlete or an author! Aimee named her.

Emi Kumo

16 . 6'2" . Brown Recluse


An empathetic, sweet girl! Auggie's identical twin. Plays non-contact/ non-comepetive sports! Wants to be a ballerina. Does tennis with Auggie! Aimee named her.

Henri Kumo

15 . 6'3" . Greenbottle Blue Tarantula


Goes by Bottle. He went deaf as a young child, so that's his name sign. He's very shy and awkward. Plans to be a preschool or kindergarten teacher! Aimee named him.

Sayjin Kumo

15 . 6'0" . Brazilian Jewel Tarantula


Bottle's twin sister; very shy and reserved. Doesn't really speak, mainly signs to communicate, she's insecure about her stutter. Nagai named her.

Tristan Kumo

13 . 5'10" . Hyllus Diardi


Goes by Tanner. Instagram model, widely known in his online community. Pretty boy, people at school and online flock to him. Often gets mistaken for a high schooler. Aimee named him.

Kari Kumo

11 . 5'11" . Curlyhair Tarantula


Typical middle child syndrome. He acts out to get his dad's attention. A jerk to his siblings and kids around him, but kind to his sister Hiza because she doesn't talk a lot. Aimee named him.

Hiza Kumo

10 . 5'2" . Whiteknee Tarantula


Very quiet and reserved. Doesn't like to talk, prefers to listen. She likes pirates and murder mysteries, and mashed potatoes. Aimee named her.

Kori Kumo

9 . 4'6" . Wolf Spider


Sweet, rowdy little girl! Likes to color and dress up, jumping off furniature! She loves super heroes and playing pretend, she wants to be Spiderman when she grows up! Aimee named her.

Ladon Kumo

7 . 4'5" . Yellow Garden Spider


A very confident kid! He likes to play sports, his favorite is basketball, which he gto from his older sister! He likes to pick fights with his sister just older than him, Kori. Aimee named him.

Renee Kumo

6 . 4'2" . Rosehair Tarantula


Small and happy! Likes to talk a lot. Very hyperactive and social! She's upset easily, in which case only her twin sister can calm her down. Aimee named her.

Aoi Kumo

6 . 4'0" . Cobalt Blue Tarantula


Renee's twin sister! A very reserved child. She doesn't like people, but follows her sister around. Has an RBF, but is really sweet when she opens up. Nagai named her. Nagai named her.

Kino Kumo

5 . TBA . Mexican Redknee Tarantula


The youngest of Aimee and Nagai's children! He never knew his mother, as she left the day after he was born. He loves to play superheroes with Kori and Ladon! Nagai named him.

Araigneé Kids

All of Juniper's children, from both her marriages. Juniper and her first husband, Chad, had three children while she and Nagai had one together.

Auden Araigneé

15 . 5'10" . Ladybird Spider


Juniper and Chad's oldest child; He has an annoying voice and an RBF.

Kennedy Araigneé

14 . 5'3" . Purseweb Spider


Juniper's only girl! She looks just like her mom. She's very charismatic and social, having been very popular at school before she moved. Streams on Twitch!

Lucien Araigneé

12 . TBA . Camel Spider


Juniper and Chad's youngest child; A tween who likes Dio!

Douglas Kumo-Araigneé

18 months . 32 in. . Purple Treespider Tarantula


Juniper and Nagai's son, therefor the youngest of both families! He is constantly with either Juniper or Nagai, whoever isn't at work.


Family friends, significant others, etc!

Tyler Kelligan

18 . 6'5" . Male


Minu's boyfriend! He's been a long time friend of the family as well, they only recently started going out. Has part of one of the HACDI mutations.

Sammy Yates

17 . 5'3" . Male


Masaki's best friend! He has a crush on Minu. One of the recent HACDI Subjects in the Aquatic Division. He and Masaki go to school together, and are both socially outcast by their peers to an extent.

Niami Hayes

18 . 5'10" . Female


The girl Masaki likes. She's the the lead in their shcool musical (Heathers!) They met because she obviously does theatre and he's in stage crew. He thinks she's just the prettiest thing ever, he's head over heels for her.

Teagan Abbott

15 . 5'4" . Female


Bottle's girlfriend! She goes to the same church as the Kumos. She's the Vice President of PRHS's MESA Team! She's a quiet girl and comes from a deaf family.

Yarasa Volare

8 . 4'6" . Female


Kori's bets friend from school! They're very close. When they play, Kori is Spiderman and Yarasa is Batman! Kari has a crush on Yarasa, and he doesn't like it so he's very mean to her. As teens she confronts him and they become frenemies.

Kayda Sawyer

19 . 5'11" . Female


College student, recently graduated from PRHS. she's currently doing an internship at the HACDI! Minu's best friend, however she's a year ahead of her. She's very confident!

Derek Daniels

17 . 6'0" . Male


A member of the PRHS football team! He's a very sweet guy at heart, but outwardly he's a big tough guy. He has a crush on Auggie (which he doesn't realize,) so he always wants to challenge her to 1v1 games. they call him Double D on the field!