Ptolemaea-niac's Bulletins

Update. Sorry for the inactivity

Posted 6 months, 22 days ago by Ptolemaea-niac

Not to be an Ao3 author but I have. An update.

So I ended up getting kicked out of a place I was renting from. I won't go into detail but I had a roommate and there was a situation with her family (who was also living there.) and kicked us out for some reason and I ended up losing my drawing tablet & pc along with a lot of my log ins and wips I was working on because they pawned it along with some other belongings and I have been unable to draw quite literally anything :') on top of still scrambling to find housing.

So I'll probably be inactive for a bit until I have the money to get new ones. Sorry to anyone I'd previously had art owed to, i did not mean to flake on you.