Fantasy World (NFS)

You find yourself in stereotypical magical, medieval age, fantasy anime-like world...

  • Nekomimis are most commonly dogs and cats and very short in stature, however can be tall if not purebred and can be other species in rare cases. Non-canines and non-feline nekomimis are often royalty or figureheads and non-purebreds tend to be looked down upon. Non-purebreds can result from any species having a child with a nekomimi, not just humans. Relationships between nekomimis and humans is accepted, but still found unholy by some who are religious and especially unholy if children are had. (with some exceptions, pushing the status quo)

  • Humans are typically expected to serve nekomimi royalty, but can be found in leadership positions for various religions. Humans tend to impose religion on nekomimis as a way of fighting back against their loss of power. Much to their annoyance. Power imbalance drives conflict in his world where love is absent. 
  • There is other variety in terms of species. Notably there are tribes of orcs that have emerged that people tend to avoid despite them being as intelligent as humans. 
  • Everyone is expected to identify with a class by age 16 unless royalty or has a special role

human furry feral ships bnha mlp ink dweller fantsuneko mario cinnadog pixbee fursona kittydog dragon goo dog harunner commission sheet skibidi toilet dog goopies