QToons's Profile Comments

Hello QT!!,So..i like your ocs!!they are cute!!i have a friend who likes your ocs!!

I deleted my two old comments since I'm not much of a fan of them anymore

So I'm gonna write a new one that fits my opinion towards your characters

Now they aren't half bad, but they can be improved, and that's with putting more info about them

The main things I believe you should include for your OC bios is:

Name, Nicknames (optional), age, gender, species, sexuality (optional), personality, likes, dislikes, and some facts about them to expand the info about them (I suggest 7 facts but you can add more or do a minimal of 3-5)

But if you want to add more, I suggest looking up blank bio sheets and using one that doesn't ask too little or too much questions about your OCs

Your ref sheets are fine, but maybe exclude the written text unless its explaining a feature about your OCs (example being the text explaining XGirl's fire powers next to the doodles of her powers)

Save that information for the bio so your ref sheets can be less crowded with text and you can add more features like mouth designs or eye designs and extra colors (take some hints from other OC ref sheets that don't involve a lot of text)

Finally, for your backstories, they aren't bad, but they could use work too

Instead of trying to write it from scratch, make a time line of the most important points of your OC's lives up to the current time, and write it all out on a word document or other writing app

Expand on those points and elaborate so people can fully understand what's happening, don't be afraid on writing long backstories, and most importantly, proof read your backstories so you can fix grammar errors and typos

That goes for your OC bios too

And that's it, I hope this helps you, OC making isn't the most fun, especially when it comes to making their bios and writing the mass information about them, but I will ensure that they'll be more likeable (not saying they aren't) with the amount of information about them

If there's anything I missed, I'll happily reply with an answer and edit my comment to add it

Again, hope this helps :D

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If you aren’t aware, she’s currently inactive on her social accounts due to past drama she’s been involved with

It’s unclear when she’ll return but for now, she’s not going to post for a while until she’s reformed 

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Well, as of now, she actually is reformed I'm currently in a group chat with her on Discord and she's improved her artwork and herself too Some of her other friends even forgiven her, so this basically means that the drama and the old Q is in the past Though she told me that some ocs she won't bring back which is unfortunate but I guess it's what she wants But yeah, sorry for the late reply

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Np ^^

poopa stinka

I really love your OC's!! 

and it looks like we both have ToyHou.se accounts Weeee!!

The stories and the art designs are amazing UwU
