World D

A collection of characters from World D. It's a game project I'm still trying to wrap my head around. Why World D? Because I don't know what to name it lol

What is World D?

A dream world, maybe. No one really knows the truth about this world, only that people wake up without memories here, and they are given a choice to be a permanent resident or go back to wherever they're from. Of course, this choice is made without any memories to judge it with so one has to think about it first. Don't worry, one can spend as long as they want in this world before they make the choice. It's a really pleasant place, and you'll very quickly feel right at home. The only thing that made this world not perfect is the presence of the creatures of the dark. Let's dub them as 'Nightmares'. Still, you'll be safe. This world is ruled by a king--and his knights, uncreatively dubbed as the 'Dream Police', will protect you from harm and keep the town nice and peaceful.

Still... Is that all it is? Or are there secrets to be uncovered?