Cult of the Vipers

The Petite Jaros of Viper Tribe

-Viper Tribe has a large population. 

-It is known for slaughtering another tribe and being outwardly friendly. 

-The tribe's colours are mahogany and fuchsia. 

-Their emblem is a snake and a flower.

-They use piercings and paint to show their rank.

-The environment is a humid bioluminescent jungle and they have a large number of cattle. 

-This tribe has betrayed several allegiances and only has Petite Jaro dogs.

-This tribe specializes in the use of poison, and its members are largely immune to many poisons.

-Upon indoctrination into the tribe, dogs are given a new name which will relate to snakes in some way. Use of an old name will be seen as malcontent behaviour and will be punished accordingly.

The Holy Serpent God: