QueenMacaron's Bulletins

Hello! {LF} RP partners + Friends

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago by QueenMacaron

Hey there !!
So- yeah-- I mean-- I don't have many OCs up atm

that are active or single or anything-- but I'm totally willing to make
new OCs and such for the sake of RPing!!  So, if you're interested
in all that jazz, lmk!

OH- yeah- just a note, I do prefer to make my OC couples queer,
and I prefer to RP dude characters.  (double peace sign)
So if you wanna RP some gays, hmu.

Edit;;  Forgot to mention, sorry, I'm lookin for people 18+

to RP with-- not just for nsfw stuff, but in general, just because
I feel more comfortable that way!  Sorry--!!

But also like, even if you're not into RPing, I'm just always lookin
for people to talk to and stuff !!  (more double peace signs)