QuietlySilent's Bulletins

reorganization & new tag

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by QuietlySilent

I will be working on reorganizing, and hard deciding where current OCS will be going, finally. So, don't be surprised by any folder changes and characters being moved around lol

I currently organized all ocs I will never sell under any circumstances in the CCl₄ folder. I will be getting rid of the Quaternary folder, and removing the Tertiary folder from regular OC use once I consolidate them into either Primary or Secondary. The Tertiary folder will then become the sales folder instead since Quaternary will be gone. I might even move the Sona folder into the CCl₄ folder, I haven't decided yet.

The CCl₄ folder is all tagged as CCL4, and even select few outside of the folder are tagged as such. These OCS tagged will NEVER go for sale, trade, offer, or even free. They are essentially forever homed, and even tagged as such. I will block you if you try to make multiple offers after being told no.

I hope you all have a lovely day ♡

free headshots :o (nm)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by QuietlySilent

Go check This Person out!! They're art is so cute and they're trying to share their etsy more ♡

character & art raffle!! (nm)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by QuietlySilent

Go check out puppybits Raffle :O their art is so good and they're a cool person ♡♡

free simple icons!! (not mine)

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by QuietlySilent

Crowzare has some Free Simple Icons permanently open, go check them out :O


Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by QuietlySilent

inb4 I just forget to log into th for a year again /hj

very big notebook

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by QuietlySilent

,,,I have so much written down for so many characters that I just haven't added to their profiles yet :') I'm trying to keep on top of getting names & basic facts about characters, at the moment, before I jump into doing detailed bios that way I'm not jumping back and forth constantly (I'll likely do it anyway but I'm ATTEMPTING to stay organized lol)

my fixation system for ocs

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by QuietlySilent

So, I have a rotation system where characters are "Active" and "Inactive", this allows me to focus on different ones at different times and build them. I don't mark these as such since I tend to rotate them pretty often unless I'm actively using them for rp, fixing tags every other week would be boring & time consuming lol

Note: "Inactive" characters don't mean anything bad, just have to wait their turn since I tend to fixate and focus on different ones at a time ♡

shakes self

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by QuietlySilent

I will be working on character bios and names for the next couple days, plus adding tabs to certain characters (also possibly work on re-ordering some characters)

I am also hopefully going to draw AT LEAST a headshot for characters that I don't have here yet so I can upload them :')

Taggin' & Building

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by QuietlySilent

I'll be fixing tags and working on adding stuff in character profiles for the next little while, so I apologize for any mass notifications :c

haha howdy

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by QuietlySilent

I have so many images and ocs to add here and I still need to finish owed art oh god oh fuck

Things have been hectic, very sorry about that :( It doesn't help I'm more often on discord than here anymore so I guess if you want my discord yell into my dms?? I have a character storage server that I update a lot more often than here so idk

I will be adding anything I haven't yet from that discord to here, it's also a lot of making sure I have the artist link before I post them (thank you me for digging for all them for artfight)

So uh,,,sorry for the spam coming either today or tomorrow <3