
Pre String* - Made from Earth and the deities Blood/sweat/tears/flesh (Wolves) *power is guaranteed 
First string - Descendants from Pre String / pure blood (wolves) *power is common
Second String - Half blooded (wolves + foxes + Other carnivores) *power is uncommon
Third - Far removed from the bloodline (almost anything but insects/arachnids/cattle/deer/etc) *Power is rare 

Packs listed by most territory
Mountain Keepers 
Ocean Watchers
River Swimmers 
Swamp Walkers  
Jungle Guards
Forest Dwellers
Prairie Winds

Banned Darkness 

Map Main points
    -          Holds enough land for 7 packs (maybe more)
    -          Has one large continent and a few medium and many smaller ones strung together
    -          Mountains range most of the land, even on a few small islands
    -          4 main(largest) mountains (dusk, mid, dawn, and evening)
    -          Dusk is the furthest west, mid is north east, dawn is high north, and evening is way east
    -          High steep pillar like mountains rise out of the water a few miles off the edge of the land
    -          Borders are loose and normally unguarded
Social Structure/ etc.
    -          Prey is bartered
    -          Pack members sometimes have to be mercenaries
    -          Pups can be traded
    -          Main strand are worth most
    -          Power pups are worth a month of ‘elite’ protection
Power Structure
    -          ‘Power pups” refer to lineage
    -          “Elite” is a class only open to those who are directly connected to either the council or pack leader
    -          By 3 cycles pups are put in to a team
    -          Mothers are on pack leave for 8 cycles after having pups
For Wolves(pre or first) its a major insult to be called Second/Other strand animal, This mainly means that they don't deserve their rank/Heritage. And are mainly used by first strand wolves with potent powers. ("Don't be a prick you sad excuse for a second strand!" Chris barked out at the Grey female "What did you call me?! you know nothing of me Beta!" She howled before launching at the smaller wolf) 
Alpha - Generally larger, and more dangerous powers. Have the power to bend others to their will with just their voice. Beta - Hold no instinct to naturally submit to an 'alpha' but will listen when they use their 'voice'. Omega - Overwhelming protective instincts, and submissive to alpha. most either see themselves as higher beings or trash.
Falier - Species name (same as 'human') Falie to Falier is like Person/People to Human

below is redacted/and or removed

13 months in a year  (30 days in a month) (390 in a 'year') (3.7 Cycles in a year)

3.5 months in a cycle
Example 12 human years
((12 x 12) / 3.5) = 41 Cycles
One human years
((1 x 12) / 3.5) = 3.4 Cycles

{((N x 12) / 3.5) = }
Age Labels
because of the displacement of starting cycles, some who are born first are not considered oldest, this does not apply to second strand and lower

these three girls where all born in the same year, but their 'age' differs (it mainly goes on when they get their 'power' but if none show the defult for that is 10 cycles/ this is why ones with no power are precived as younger)
Titania - 103c
Elise  - 85c
Rose - 146