closed species
by omniiamne

Plumii are intelligent humanoid creatures that inhabit the planet Kugi. Their appearance, culture, and society are based on humanity, for they are simply HUGE fans of humanity. The Plumii were created by the goddess Gaia.

Gaia is the central figure in the entire Plumii lore. Two key points on the timeline of the world are associated with her - she has twice punished Plumii society for wars, depriving them of the ability to reproduce and limiting the inhabited territory of the planet to three cities.

It should be said that the Plumii emerged considerably after the extinction of humans - this is very important for understanding their society and their appearance. A trace of humanity remains in their culture, traditions, names, foods, plants, in their animals, and even in themselves.

Crystal City

Moss City

Sand City


Plumii Pony MLP plumii Monster Furry Earthpony Dragon Pegasus Anthro