
Inspired By: Treat - Roar

Name Origins: deprives from the Greek word “mythos” which means “myth”; fitting for a world inhabited by Mythical Beings.

Creature Names Origin: A splice between “myth” and “pets”.


The land of Mythos consists of many extraordinary mythical creatures called Myets that can either be companions or not, ranging into four different categories with the possibility of being one of the four types within. It is rare for mythical beings to be classified from both categories as a double type, which gives them a category of their own. Although the Spliced category has no stand-alone types as it is just a category to fit in double typed myth creatures.

Myets also have what are called “Affiliations” which shows which particular deity they’re affiliated with depending on the category they are classed in. Course, this is tricky when it comes to Spliced Myets though it is said that they have no Affiliations.