Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

This profile has sensitive themes such as:

  • Experimentation
  • Brainwashing
  • Abusive relationships
  • Abusive Parents
  • Cheating/affairs
  • Drug use (mainly weed)
  • Apocalyptic events
  • Murder

Please do not interact if you follow Pomspine (Perjantai) or Roxiepro!

Pomspine has been spreading misinformation about me being an art thief. I have made the mistake of being emotional during a personal situation and removed credit from art that i had commissioned or had been gifted by them (both people mentioned above), however after being called out on it i have removed the art completely. I do not, and will not, ever steal art from a fellow creator, even if it was them. Any character that they have gifted to me while we were still friends are mine in ownership despite them (originally) designing them, they're still credited as the original creator of both Desperado and Louieand I wouldn't have them if they hadn't given them to me. This is a clear targeted statement against me, since i am not the only person that has been on the receiving end of one of their characters- yet they have not spoken a word about any of those.

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