Sohrab's Rebirth

About Sohrab's Rebirth

❝ This story was made against Sohrab's wishes.

Do what you will, knowing that. ❞

Sohrab is a boy that has been crawling out of the sinkhole of a tumultuous life. Clashing with his mother, poverty, and emotional issues, Sohrab thought things couldn't get worse in his 11 year-old life.

Until he was introduced to his fate- the world as he knew it would end, and it was up to him to take the mantle of the hero to save them all.

...but Sohrab refused the call. Why save the world when it wasn't worth saving to begin with?

Armed with supernatural powers foolishly given to him to complete his hero's journey, Sohrab vows to do everything in his power to destroy his story and escape his fate.

Kill. Sabotage. Rage.


The project has survived many iterations and revisions. Ultimately it is aimed to be a webcomic though with sketches or in a B&W format.

Roleplay for this project is restricted to friends only, and would have to take place in an AU as this project has a set storyline.

The Cast

he/him human 11 hero

Sohrab is the main character of this story. Unfortunately for him. In this form, he is called the Young Sohrab. His emotions are more wild, and he will do everything in his power to cause ruination.



he/him human 20 soul

Older Sohrab is the soul. He is forever split from his human half and is his own individual. He has supernatural powers reflecting that of a demon, and in this form he is human. It's a tiring existance, to have an old soul.

he/him demon adult soul

Demon Sohrab is the soul. He is forever split from his human half and is his own individual. He has supernatural powers reflecting that of a demon, and can turn human (the Older Sorhab). The intimidation has its perks, but god is it not normal.



she/her human 29 mother

Amber is Sohrab's mother. She's a woman with a positive outlook on life, though her decision making could use some work.

he/him monster 21 side-kick

Kody or "Crook" works at an underground monster bar doing odd jobs. He's a real friendly guy and a jokster all around. Loves parties!



he/him vampire 20(100+) side-kick

Bangstan works at an underground monster bar as a tech guy. He's a chill individual who's big into pranks and being a lil' shit.

she/her monster 22 voice of reason

Hellegra is a guitarist in an underground monster bar. She's currently working to get her band famous. She's a no-bullshit gal.



he/him monster 22 rival

Glaze or "Lazaro" is a very popular punk-rock artist in the underground monster scene. Likes to keep in power.

he/him human [REDACTED] villain

Yxion is the villain Sohrab must face, an alchemist that vows to restart the cosmos for the greater good. What will he do, when there's no one to stop him anyways?



he/him magician 31 henchman

Shen is part of the "Magicians of Y" and Yxion's closest cohort. The brains of the operation. His magic is elegant and his composure unwavering.

she/her monster 28 voice of reason

Tavleen is part of the "Magicians of Y". She's ambitious and bold, her magic dramatic and striking.



he/him magician 16 henchman

Matthew is part of the "Magicians of Y". He's fun-loving and excitable, his magic bright and bouncy.

The Setting


The story takes place in the USA though there is no set location as Sohrab will travel frequently to different locations on his journey. Originally he was born in Atlanta, Georgia.


Sohrab gets an dingy apartment to act as his HQ. It is the first place he is able to land himself in.

Noise Infection

An underground monster bar that operates as a safe haven for monsters in the area. It lies under a human punk/rock bar above where Older Sohrab finds a job at.

Foster House

Younger Sohrab is able to get into a foster home to cover more ground. It has a lovely home in a richer neighborhood. Though it might be more dangerous than he thought...

The Story

Event Timeline

It all starts on Sohrab's 11th birthday, just after his mother's death. He comes of age and time is frozen, and he is brought with the news of his fate. Sohrab refuses the call.



In his escape from his initial route, Sohrab ends up killing 2 characters, the Mentor and Lover archetypes.
Sohrab and his soul hides and starts surviving on their own. They start a plan to learn more about the mechanics of the Hero's Journey and how to destroy the plot.



All the while, Older Sohrab gets a job at The Noise Infection bar, and Young Sohrab finds a stable shelter in a foster home. Their discoveries weave and branch off from there. As well as their carnage.



Genre Fantasy
Period Modern
Location USA
Roleplay Friends Only
Rating 18+ Only
Membership Closed
Related Projects N/A


Dark Themes


Playlist inspired by Sohrab

Sohrab's Rebirth is a project Rainboopz