Rainorld-a-Blind's Bulletins

I am gonna take a time off, I am just no fine, probably will take more than a week for me, see you guys in a few days

Tarot Gasters wip adopt

Posted 2 years, 5 days ago by Rainorld-a-Blind

Here is some wips of the first designs comming: 0 - Fool, 1 - Magician, 2 - The High Priestess, 3 - The Empress, 4 - The Emperor

today the files of the rest of the zodiacs I was doing, monkey, pig, rabbit and dog was corrupted, I tried to recover but failed, so now I am gonna focus on my gaster and skeletons tarot adopt.

if anyone is interested on what was left:


free magical girl

Posted 2 years, 26 days ago by Rainorld-a-Blind


She is for free, she is a failed adopt but I don't want her anymore too, if you have any friends interest too share