Rainorld-a-Blind's Profile Comments

Hello, just wanted to ask if this adopt was still available?

$20 Dash and Merida inspo

It is still available! Want to pay ko-fi or paypal?

ko-fi would be great!

And sent!

Gonna transfer her for you

Hi it's me again! I wanted to be sure instead of just adding you randomly, could I add you on discord about commissions if you're currently taking them?

sure! I am taking them! rainorld#3573

Awesome! I sent it, My user is PreciousPeaches ^^

Hello! I’d love to adopt the 4 My Little Pony OCs you have for claim!

Hello, I'm sorry to be a both but I fell in love with all your cat ocs that you have for adoption and I was wondering if they were money only? Or would you also accept other offers like da points and trades :)

I preffer money but I think with points + art can work

How many da points would you roughly be looking at for each? :)

$1 = 100 points
 so how mostly of the cats are $10, it's 1000 points

but you can offer art or anything with points, so tou can low the points and the other offer

Illbhave to see what I can do :) unfortunately having two jobs doesn't really give me the time to do any art that isn't a paid commission 😅

okay, anything you can send me mensage
