
Kirindogs are a closed species on DeviantArt

22514175_kz7KYa4Ich331Dq.png?1589567203Art by Kingfauna

The balance between mortals and spirits has always been a fragile, tenuous thing. A thread wound and frayed and pulled taught between the two, but never broken. Not even when the great Mother Emperor whisked Her precious Zhilong away to Her world above the clouds. Some wondered if the spirits, shadows, and fae might leave with them, but this was not the case. If anything, the supernatural became braver. They spread across the land and claimed the hearts of forests and the shadows of caves. Some poisoned the minds of kings and wove bloodlust and chaos into the lives of whole empires. Others sought to impersonate the newly-absent gods.

Now, as the wars and hunts for Qilin and Kirindog alike have come to a wavering end, the land has settled into a semblance of peace. Slowly, our dear descendants of the Zhilong begin to find their place in the world. They laugh and cry, find love and heartbreak, and have adventures across the snowy peaks of the mountain range, or among the dark shadows of the Twisting Pine Woods, or even on the dusty streets of the little villages they've come to settle in.

Feral Draw Me Anthro Canine Kirindogs Uncommon Human Rare Common Humanoid MYO Magic Fave Purple Kirindog Kirling feral Feline Gacha DesignedByVex