Rainy_Days's Bulletins

Anthro and feral tags back woo

Posted 21 hours, 5 minutes ago by Rainy_Days

I'll prob make some ferals anthro and some with both anthro only 

Character links!

Posted 5 days, 12 hours ago by Rainy_Days

Ok so I have a lot of characters that need friends or something (off limits: rainy (unless truesona of my friends), rainbow, black star, whistling Dixie folder, pending folder)

idk how I feel about partners rn but here's my single characters https://toyhou.se/Rainy_Days/characters/tagged:Single (some of those are very picky, newt is only there cause his TA version is single)

lmk a bit about them or how they'd be friends! I would like to draw friendships sometime if I'm free

Have you watched the last unicorn

Posted 5 days, 22 hours ago by Rainy_Days

I watch it every few months 


Posted 7 days, 12 hours ago by Rainy_Days

Note: these ONLY contain MY ocs in the family tree, I'm also updating this as I post it lol

Some characters are also missing as a whole due to lack of designs, I will eventually design a tree or post my family echos


(catastrophe is only included because he is the litter mate of jelly. He is not connected to the tree in any other way, nor does he know anyone else)

Goldenrain: https://toyhou.se/Rainy_Days/characters/tagged:Goldenrain

(rover's side of the family, minus rover's biological children, was excluded. some characters are not related to yen in any way, such as roxie and mashup, but they are related to adoptive family members)


(yen's side of the family, minus his biological children with suns, was excluded. some characters are not related to rover biologically, but through adoptive family members)


(solstice's dad will eventually be submitted)


Lakeshatter, Evernight, and Goldenrain can be found here, but it's mainly going to show Goldenrain!


Damage update 2!!!!

Posted 7 days, 15 hours ago by Rainy_Days

Tree has been cut down !

Water has dried from our ceilings so there isn't those big water lines, but we still can't use our lights

Some kind of inspector or technician is coming tomorrow idk I didn't listen I just heard someone's coming to adjust something 


Posted 8 days, 20 hours ago by Rainy_Days

I have a charge now! I will be more contactable 

Although I'm feeling very antisocial due to the stress and being told my family wants to move + they're most likely getting rid of my cat due to previous issues so I probably won't be too interested in chatting

We had a tornado an hour ago

We have had to turn our power off (even if it's back, we don't know for sure) as water was leaking from our ceiling fan (living room and my room)

Water is leaking from our vents, and some of our roof shingles are missing

Half of our tree collapsed so I assume our fence is also gone too, but we can't really see it right now as it was midnight when the tornado happened

We are okay right now, but if my phone battery dies on either device I may not be contactable. I do not have WI-FI/data on my tablet.

Update: a generator has been hooked to our fridge to prevent the groceries we got today from going bad

What is your favourite Roblox game?

Posted 23 days, 22 hours ago by Rainy_Days

I like doors and regretavator!

I have not been able to actually draw something that's finished in a while (that isn't rushed/low effort) because I've hit a depressive episode

Send me digital art tutorials

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by Rainy_Days

Mainly needing help with realism, stylisation, shading, expressions, stuff like that!

Pref videos but images are good 2 :)

Basically anything you think I could improve in