"Recently having returned to the police force, Il Seokyeon was young and naive, it wasn't right to abuse his vulnerability the way they did... How did they expect him to come back in one piece?"

"They say you should cherish the beautiful things in life, as every flower withers with time... Joohyun had an ugly mind, one that was darkened by the world around him, yet rotten and cold, I wanted it near me as much as the beauty of his body..."

"Follow the white rabbit to a field of butterflies and broken glass. Perhaps the view will be so mesmerizingly beautiful you wont notice the bloody trail you leave behind..."

"Why was Seokyeon given to Hansol? To care for him? As company? There was no reason to associate the two.. you just killed an innocent boy, I hope you're happy..."

single Active Needs ref ss male human taken humanoid Blorbo monster Single creature killer dnd female bodyhorror Female anthro cyberpunk body horror slasher robot mecha mech gore Male hehim blorbo ghost Anthro Mantis owl cartel skeleton tattoos cat trenchcoat horror spider parasite gang ghoul vampire Creature Cyberpunk fighter clown nfs main tiefling rogue headless mcdonalds mask cyborg Killer hunter juggalo fish voodoo needs ref felis dullahan albino pig Monster Insect animal siren werewolf barbarian dark urge Homebrew