Characters that are always NFT/S. They're either big comfort characters are super personally written/are basically me lol ... That being said, art for them is always appreciated! I don't mind using them for HC and stuff but i'd be a bit more picky.

 samesies   sonas/comfort characters   the homies   hell-yeah i die INSTANTLY


Some characters that don't fit in a specific universe or stories; my most commonly used for RP. 'Open universe' characters! (Though all my characters are open to AUs and alt. worlds). Please, ask about relationships :D I'm always looking

 DND   humans   kemonomimis   monsters and stuff


Where my funky homies at!! Mostly closed but a few (semi) open and stuff. Feel free to ask about relationships, even if your character isn't in a species!

I'll entertain offers made on these characters, but i'll be picky

 MYOs   CS   ABSOLUTE units   communities 


Your standard run of the mill. Not a huge furry anymore but I do love a good design once in awhile

I don't have much to say about these or much to do tbh! I'm not looking to give any away but they are all up for relationships, though I do not RP with these characters. Strictly HC and art, sorry!

 floofers   claws n paws   leezards maybe   flomp 


Not much to see here but I love them all the same! Includes DBH, WTNV, and a few that i'm not really in anymore but love the designs/characters ... More to come, because i'm slowly starting to hoard :')

Also may put in Beastars, Overwatch, and more! My Spidersonas and other fan characters (cough Jojosona..) might also be in my personal folder. I love HC and creating relationships, so absolutely message me if you're interested.

 fandom   video games   anime   comics/books 


Characters that fit into specific worlds and stories that I want to make comics and write for but am too scatterbrained to do it so i'll probably just shit post inbetween commissions, trades, & school LMFAO. These characters can still be used in AU, RP, or HC as well. Some of these characters are for RP groups.

 literature   personal   worldbuilding   minecraft creative mode 

HTML by lowkeywicked

he him she He Him they Male her them She male They Her CS Closed Species female Them Female THEM THEY