Killinach Isles

Killinach Isle a World of War and Magic


Killinach Isles is a beautiful and diverse country, It has 1 larger reigning kingdom and 3 smaller kingdoms that bend the knee. Those are as followed

Alpine Empire  

The Alpine Empire was the first kingdom created on Killinach Isles. It is the largest kingdom in both size and wealth. It’s located in the mountain using its rough terrain as a form of defense. This is a colder region that depends on many of the smaller regions for crops and other materials that they can not get through the mountain sides. It is a known region to have an unforgettable army and talented smiths. This Kingdom is considered to rule all of Killinach. 

Important Cities/Towns of Alpine Empire

  • Tivine - Capital 
  • Fuburgh - trading post
  • Yrobury - known for its training grounds


Goby is the second largest Kingdom and rests just north of Alpines border, they are known only as farmers. Their land is flat and ripe for growing many different vegetations. Goby is a valid ally to many of the surrounding kingdoms, it is large but not rich in an army to protect it. It relies heavily on the protection of others and seeks only peace. 

Important Cities/Towns of Goby

  • Bento - Capital
  • Odonving - known meat processing 
  • Agabus - largest farming village


Esnary is west of Alpine and it was once a prosperous kingdom, known for its magical items and users alike. Many great healers were known to have originated here as well as strong witches/warlocks. But these days it is but a ruin of its former self, destroyed by the war it has been abandoned. Its residents  fled or were killed during the purge of the kingdom.  Now it is but a place many turn to so that others won’t see what crimes they may commit.

Important Cities/Towns of Esnary

All destroyed

  • Adalas - Capital 
  • Pin - known for it’s magical/healing teachings
  • Vleka - known for its craftsmanship in magical items


Sokar is to the east and rests on the borders of the sea, it is a fishing region small but not easily forgettable. It is known for its many fishing villages but it is also a place of travelers, for those that are curious about the sea and what it has to offer. Between the trading ships and pirates Sokar is always bustling with business and while it might not look like it, it is one of the wealthiest regions and it isn’t without its protection either. 

Important Cities/Towns of Sokar

  • Northmere - Capital
  • Frento - main fishing village
  • Gogas - Known pirate/ruffian hangout

The Magic

Killinach Isles is very much fueled with magic right down to the roots, for as long as time can be recorded it has always been there allowing the world to thrive. Crops grow in abundance, the forests are thick and bursting with life. As long as its magic was allowed to flow freely the earth flourished.

Due to the records no one truly knows just how it started or where the magic came from, there is but one sure thing many know. The magical Flow has always been strongest in Esnary by a great oak tree. This makes many believe it is the source of the land's magic and its roots merely stretch farther than any could imagine covering great ground. It is said that if the tree is damaged or destroyed then so will the magic of the land and without it many life that depend on it will begin to wither away. 

The War

For many years Killinach Isles has been at peace, with the forged alliance between many they have had their differences but nothing that has ever truly broke out a war much like the one that goes on today.

After the murder of King Theodon his older brother Kahar took to the throne with only one goal in mind. Destroying the magic of the land, Kahar has always feared the power of it and vowed to have it removed permanently. WIth his brother out of the way that is just what he has done, going straight to the source he wiped Esnary out burning the great oak tree and with that loss the land around began to die, turning a once rich with life region nothing but a barren wasteland. The other regions are slowly being affected as well, cropleas have been dying, wildlife has begun to diminish. Without a source of magic many fear their home will no longer be viable. 


There is still hope for Killinach, the son of the former King and rightful heir Tero Cannamore seeks to remove his uncle from the throne and hopefully with the help of his allies restore the lands. But without the source of the great oak tree there are many that doubt him. Tero however has knowledge that many don’t know, there is a seed that came from the great oak, a seed that could be turned into a new source if done right. It merely needs to be found by the true heir before King Kahar can find it himself.