Ray_Chicken's Bulletins

i dont think anyone will even see this but plesae if you see any you like take them

stolen 😨

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Ray_Chicken


gender: male

sexuality: idk.....

height: idk

favorite colors: i dont have a favorite but i like green, red, orange, yellow, blue and purple probably

favorite songs: IDK! i cant pick one i like a lot

favorite band / artist: idk abbout this one either i like a lot

favorite youtuber: ummmmm im not sure i dont watch youtube a lot anymore

favorite food: i like pasta

favorite bird: uuuuhhh macaw or something

favorite animals: cats

favorite celebrity: II DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

favorite time of day: I dont have a preference

favorite holiday(s) i like halloween and christmas but im not religious i just like it

favorite season: winter or fall

favorite fruit: strawberry

favorite flower: hmmmmmmmm peonies or roses maybe idk

favorite emoji(s): 😨

favorite hobby: probably playing video games or learning about compiuters

favorite country: idk? i dont have a favorite country

favorite weather: I LOVE COLD WEATEHR!

name of your pet(s): micah (my cat) and dusk (my dog)

introvert or extrovert: idk i really like people but i think i have social anxiety so idk if that counts as extroverted or not

looks or personality: personality

homesick or traveler: home, i hate traveling

musician or artist: artist

woods or city: city

tv or youtube: probably if i had to pick one youtube

phone or computer: I LIKE BOTH BUT if i had to pick one probably computer


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Ray_Chicken

rat  Â