Fighter's League

The Fighter's League is an organization created deep in Unova for those who wanted to explore Unova and lend a hand in solving the world problem labeled as 'the human virus', where all pokemon are turned into humans with no explanation. This organization spanned over all regions of the world as the virus mutated and spread, and the organization quickly turned its sights to Team Power, the group responsible for the virus spread.

Team Power - Lead by siblings Ekro and Esha, they're the largest evil group to span over reigons, attempting to take over the world with the 'human virus' in their grasp.

TPPA [Team Power Protection Alliegence] - Founded by [REDACTED] in order to put a stop to Team Power. When they lost control over what the evil group was doing, they focused on protecting smaller routes in Unova from the reign of Team Power. Unable to protect any route past Nacrene City. Ability to prevent death of members of any leagues located in Unova.

The Crowds - Various people who live among the chaos of the worlds. Not part of any teams. Some may call them unimportant, but others call them the most important people in the world.

League Team: Unite - One of the League teams. Strong, capable, and works incredibly well together. Located in Unova.

League Team: Strike - One of the League teams. Incredibly powerful, low on resources, tries their best. Located in Kanto.