There will be more here soon-ish
I've had a weird dream, and that yeeted at me some inspiration, so I've got to make them a reality - When I have the time and energy for it
In summary, it's like, so, what if everyone's favourite Devil Hunter Team had to go and fight against other Devil Hunters, because someone is as big of a 'puritan' as Lady was at the start of DMC 3? You know, with the fact she was going to shoot Dante too (and did so a few times) at first, because he was part demon etc. So we have a team of hunters who are not going to take things so lightly and are sippin' the dumb brain juice

Expect peeps like
Magic boi
Magic card boi
Halberd boi
I like horses boi
Police assistant boi
Puppeteer boi
Assasin Mentor boi
And probably something else too. I swear, I'll try making som women too. Some of these could actually be women but boi is now a gender neutral term and you can't stop me I'm wearing airpods and I can't hear you

ArtFight Anthro DTPAY 2021 W.I.P. Tier Modral Sin-Ged Human Russian Canine Reckless German WORK TO DO Win-Ged Stuffed Spookie ToonyChibi Feral British DMC MYO