Rettaila's Bulletins

Hello, just crawling out of my hiatus to drop that im back in action!

Feel free to check out my shop , i got some good trinkets and goods there 👉👈

Mention for databreach for helping me out on the code , i was struggling haha.

Issue resolved

Posted 2 years, 8 days ago by Rettaila

Hi hi, i hope you are doing good! So I wanted to drop a quick update regarding the issue with the pencil of my tablet.

Ive been able to get my hands on a new one yesterday ( thankfully,it was a game of hide and seek to find shops actually open xD ) anywho,work will be resumed asap. Ill be contacting all clients in a couple of days with all necessary updates with their respective orders .

I thank you once more for your patience with me. Have a good day, and please stay safe!

Hi, too long didn't read I got back a full refund don’t worry, but yeah turns out the Apple Pencil i had ordered ( which, mind you was supposed to come 3 days ago so I can resume work, talk,about “ express delivery” as they called it lol ) was a counterfeit pen, the shop I bought it from and got it delivered to my home had the audacity to sell me a clone of the Apple Pencil for the damn full price of the original one, and it DIDNT EVEN WORK ;;;; yall I’m the shy type but man did I pull a Karen on them 😂😂

But yeah after a lot of back and forth over the phone and me really fed up with their lies and excuses I told them to turn back around for a full refund and that this is a distasteful joke, these pens are pricey, don’t try to tell me I don’t know my stuff come on, if you want to sell that stuff at least admit it don’t take me for a fool 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyways, all my rambling aside , This Sunday I’m personally gonna head down to the capital ( weekends for my country are on Friday and Saturday so typically shops aren’t always open ) where I know some trust worthy shops and test one myself. I’m super sorry on the delay on the commissions, I’ll resume work asap !!

Quick update 🤌🧡

Posted 2 years, 16 days ago by Rettaila

Hi y’all , I hope you are doing well 🧡🧡 my Apple Pencil finally gave out on me , i use my ipad primarily for work so please excuse the slight delay with updates, I’ll be able to afford a new one shortly to resume work 😭😭😭🧡🧡🧡

That’s all for the update ! Stay safe.

Commission closed for April!

Posted 2 years, 22 days ago by Rettaila

Aaaaaaa thank you so so much T u T / ozunozjenc;;;; i couldnt believe just how fast the spots were filled 😭

Anyways, thanks for checking in and ramadan Mubarak to any fellow Muslim followers!

Commission waitlist for April is open!

Posted 2 years, 27 days ago by Rettaila

Heyya! Passing by to let you know you can reserve for the upcoming month! Feel free to pm me or message me on discord if you are interested.


ahoy! zoeijoijf I finally have internet back :"D its been down for a while and mobile data has been absolutely ✨trashy✨ Ill be replying to all messages and sending updates asap.

with that aside, here are some new cuties I added to the shop section! 🧡

df1ni4d-e071a08d-a685-4ab0-866e-7dd41ef3 df1nn8h-b6e17580-9fb4-41bc-b4ef-0fe49d40 df1kgnt-2450dc2f-ee9f-4ff5-ab72-beb421a3 df1kgnr-96e9b267-1936-4297-8f58-8b0899b9 df1gz23-04c200ce-17f9-4c3f-89ee-8a87c122

✨💪Ko-fi account set! 💪✨

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Rettaila

Howdy! So just passing by to yeet a quick announcement here, i finally got around to starting a Kofi page! I still am trying to figure out how it works but I hope to post a bunch of things there soon!

Here is my link , feel free to support me there 🥺👉👈

That’s all, have a good day 🤌🧡✨

Ahoy! Just letting y’all know there are only 3 slots left for this month’s commissions. Next patch should be open next month on the second of April ! 🤌✨ so grab something whilst you can nyehehehehehe 🧡

Here is my shop if you’d like to take a look! ( )

Thank you for passing by! Stay safe 🧡

What icons would you like to see more of?

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Rettaila

What would you like to see more of ?

2 Votes emotes.
0 Votes 360 loop
5 Votes Mini Sprites , smol beans are the best!
6 Votes Rpg profile picture style ( kinda like stardew valley for a reference )
0 Votes Other? ( please specify)

Kinda being curious ! Currently I’m trying out a pixel art icon with a running animation ! Tho I’m open for requests so comment below with your cutie a,d your idea and if I like the idea I’ll test it out ! 🤌✨

Please keep in mind I can’t do all requests so it’ll be just the ones I really like / find interesting or daring enough to challenge my limits ! 👉👈