CS Events

Events for CLosed Species, mainly Alumys :P

CS Alumy Forest Scrimpy Follower Sky MLP ML Hybrid Saltwater Tropical Preserver Azali Rigby Freshwater Oc Wolf Pokemon Flower Gazen Plant Dragon Waffles Pegasus Fusion ArtFight Unicorn Water Abyss Underwater Arctic Sodaplanet Cat Shifter Controller Plant Growth Amarok Sodacat Lumni Potion Maker Maskeer Vulpix Arpg Semi-Open Evodus Closed Species No-Ranker Avatar 2022 Fox Pandora Carlos Mooni Navi surethngbubz SO Omega Adopt Feline Winged Starfoosh GuppyMander Felconis Blu Mer Myo Bloome Pufferplanet ClosedSpecies Artisan Reef TSS Pufferfluff Bat ATWOW Anthro Fae Omicron Zephyr Rmin Wyvern Cloud Buster oc Alicorn Humanoid Open Species Art Pony Swamp Fioria Customs Loftar Drake Aekkian Sunbug Feral Alpha Philo Ghost Royalty Minecraft DeepDweller Jivixee Maelstrom Rabbit Spacecat Moon Mawkatsu Earth Bloom Sunscp Event Bunny Legendary Hunter MYO MC duvie Jungle Prince Ancient Sharkoc Dust Catko astralgaze Froggy Florist Puffer Planet Hisuian Jinx Issidyr Opal Sapsidian carewyrm Copper Gatherer Omicron Species Fire Baker Ikowa Fnaf Recom Tempest Feild Bird Alien dragon ShallowsDweller Wings Zanther Royal Leader Griffon Treasure Hunter Morax Artist Planta Ray Travub SB Enderman Aquatic Kirin Closed species Mha Shark Astro Blessed Lummeer Falcon Squad Kittibon Typhlosion Latias Npc Blankie TheFirstMaskie Carewyrm random finished Sylveon Mantine Normal Ampharos drake Fish a o f Gen4 Pending Anthropomorphic Magic Avifauna dragonoc Acrobat Snowy purple gecko Catberous hydra JollyJersey Vigilante CatDragon Meroc Dune Runner Drake Earth-born anthro Mofa Meurgen Singer closed species Florist Apprentice Ancient Omicron Researcher TSP Kangaroo Mocha Bat Emperor 187 Stormcutter Tea Travubs Fennekin Feebshein Exodus Ligoons Centimoth Milotic Official Design Orca Magpie Vaporeon Sakura Undergrowth Eevee Candyhorn Personal Enderbloom stone Dressons Ufs Duvie F2U SOLD Neutral-born Random Mountain Fioria_Flora Cards Designs Redesigns Fusions Harpy Sawsbuck jellinu Shop Owner Monster 2018 character gift korrien Furry Thief Avifaunaspecies shadowdragon Dragoney Settled lumni Croc Flying fish Ignis Albino Stag bat originalcharacter Griffin dragonwolf SnowLeopard Three Tail Essadine Bnha Dwarfism Flying Sun Werewolfoc adopt cookie Wolf oc Punk Jester Cervitaur Sand Dog Orianthian Httyd Storm Chaser Husky Absol Articuno Griffen Racer Custom 275 278 282 Loner Kirimori Pyroar Lil Lad Year of the Dragon Lore 004 Bug Astral Firehead Tetra Primordial moss Dresson Elemental Paypal Comfort Free to use Flore-born Practice Myos Commissions Examples Gallade drakefox Autumn Shadow redesigned Yokai For ever homed Seal Darkrai Sunidity Warrior Deer wings Leopardgecko hydrawolf WingedSnowLeopard Kitsune Percy Sky-born ShadowWolf amp dessert Winged oc New Zealand Black Guard Cello Pufferbuff Doberman 191 Mascot Sushi Dragon Hoodling Doctor Artekin Medic Lilypaw Username Moonlight Moondrop 288 Shiba Inu Kyreval Kitties 347 Lunar New Year Cyclops 005 008 Inked Cursed Blaze fox fountine carewyrms Dressonsoc Maskies deer Usd bat-like Backgrounds Glitch Crow UFS Stickers Pagedolls Pseudo Legendary Centaur Princess Subspecies 35 bg Nekomata Librarian Thylacoleo shadow Flareon Maw Buck moodboard catoc Magic User leopardgeckooc wolf Mango Azzurra Leopard GazenMyo mer Perserver Myth ampwave saturdayze Kaifen Cybercattechno Wrensnest Nargacuga Coffee 200 Rarity Pufferal Beta Shop Keeper Wanderer Jeweller Sundrop Ligon Semi-CS Hyllow Avatar 2009 Kemonomimi Calico Loftars Kittbon Were Satyr Hybird Pangea 374 Igins 003 Cirrocanius Vox Shiny Moobloom Xatli canine