RikaKisaki's Bulletins


Posted 2 days, 8 hours ago by RikaKisaki

As spring comes around, we'll be greeting it with not only our best smiles and our best rain boots,
but also with some gorgeous Spring-Time adopts from our GA's~!



Sweet Snake Lemonade BY Mawika that's an OTA
Sakura BY Prismescence that's an OTA w/ AB
Springtime Strawberry BY PEACHCHOMP that's a Raffle
Goblincore Witch BY yatomori that's an OTA
Spring Lamb BY jump3rr that's an OTA
A Doberman's Poison BY Mawika that's an OTA
Soft Spring BY Eschatology that's an OTA+BID

Vacation Over

Posted 2 months, 14 days ago by RikaKisaki

Welp, it's time to come home from Florida and CRY lmao. Apparently it snowed a lot back home, so..... Yes there indeed might be some crying over weather differences uwu

Hopping back onto my owed art when I get back to my desk~ Kinda missed drawing 💙 ty for your patience while I was away~!

Small Ramble

Posted 3 months, 22 days ago by RikaKisaki

Y'all ever just have so much personal life issues just continuously happening that you tend to just seek recluse in your OCs..lmao

I have so many things I need to do/finish and my motivation wanes constantly with everything going on. And the things I do have finished I HAVE A HARD TIME FINDING THE DMS OF PEOPLE BECAUSE OF DISCORDS UPDATE... So 'scuse me while I continue my hunt for your discord chats..

But like, the only thing I can manage to do in my unmotivated states are just--pathetically stare at my characters. And just stare at their art because it's become the only thing that brings me enough joy. The art and styles. 


Come check out the adopt I made over in the Comchy world~!
It is an OTA!