Ringebell's Profile Comments

Heya! Have you had time to start this ^-^ totally cool if not! Just wanted to follow up incase it was accidently forgotten :) 

I'm late but I love it so much!!!!

Your art is very beautiful! ♥

Love your profile!

Hey, Is it ok if I use the following image for artfight? https://toyhou.se/5789190.yin-yan#34993163

Yes, of course. ^^

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This user is not visible to guests.

Oh, I'm a German trans man too! :0

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Thank you! *^^*

thanks so much for the invite code!

Thanks again for the account code!! :D

Hey, thanks! 

I'm still learning how to use TH so I'm wondering how you transferred the drawing like that?

Under "Submit" on the top bar you have to select "Image" and under the character part you can select "Select other User's character" or "Search all by Character ID", when you have selected the character whos drawing you want to submit just upload normally.

Okay, thanks for the help!

Just wanted to say thank you for drawing Clarissa!