Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


This will only appear once, so please take the time to read it! To be sure you're where you want to be, here are some warnings for this account and for my characters.


  • This account is LGBTQ+ friendly and is a kink-positive space.
  • This account may contain potentially triggering subject matter and as such should be browsed with caution.
  • The views/thoughts/opinions/interests/actions/beliefs/etc. of the characters on this account do not always reflect my personal stance regarding any and all content.
  • Please practice self-care and take care of yourself.


  • Let me know if you like my characters.
  • Draw my characters. It's always a delight to receive giftart of my characters!
  • Keep your opinions and negativity to yourself. It's perfectly acceptable to dislike me and/or my characters, but keep it to yourself.
  • Block me if necessary.


  • Draw NSFW art of my characters without asking for my permission beforehand.
  • Kin, faceclaim, or otherwise use my characters as a reference or as your own.
  • Assume I support or condone the actions or topics my characters experience.
  • Harass me for my characters/stories plzkthx.

I explore a variety of topics with my characters and some that people will take offense to, however my exploration of these topics does not mean that I endorse or condone such actions or behaviour in real life.


  • Characters that are the victims of;
  • Characters that are perpetrators of;
  • Characters that have been subjected to;
  • Storylines that center around themes of;


  • You’re a minor. My content is 18+ and I have zero want to interact with anyone underage. The hard maturity block is On for a reason.
  • You believe people should stop creating content just because you're uncomfortable with the subject matter.
  • You believe harassing people for the FICTION they create and consume is in any way acceptable.
  • You believe pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, because it absolutely does and it’s delicious.

You know who you are.


  • Yeah I don’t have a public blacklist, sorry.

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