Cyan Distortion

Welcome to Cyan Distorcion. Once was normal Earth, now with more that just your normal creatures and societies. Are you ready to fight the ones who see ypu differently?

Cyan Distorcion is about a world that had more that your typical Earth. It was "normal" well, as normal as seeing Oglers and other interesting creatures it gets. But an event in particular made the land way more different that before. Now the Oglers can become humanoids, and a new race has apeared. They were called the Mithalians, for their mith like apearence, wich humans referenced back to angels and demons, light vs the shadows.

Even tho humans relate them to these divine creatures, they are not that at all. They dont relate to any human that had passed away or know about the details of Heaven or Hell. The Mithalians will be their own people with their own ways of life and habilities.

The Oglervanns are a race of water drakes, whose bodies are so hard that can survive extreme electic power, something given to them by evolucion. They were naturaly just animals, who worked with human kind for years and years. Until the Cyan Distorcion event, the one that gave the new world its name, not there is accest to these cristals who give this creatures the habilitie to become humanoids. These new discoverys made human kinds relacionship with Oglers much more close, even teach them how morality and human speack worked.

To this day, the Humans, Oglers and Mithalians live together in a world were flothing islands are a thing, extreme mutations such fluffly Oglers exist, and the land moves in a weird way. All that and more is gonna be seen, in Cyan Distorcion.