SKULLVAL's Bulletins

alive? username update? what?

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by SKULLVAL

i live! ...a little bit. life has been crazy!! not me getting into a car accident and being none weight bearing for the last couple of months  c,:

just started back at work last week! feeling better, going to try to be more active. also a username change! my sona will still be named zirch and i don't mind being called that still ofc. looking forward to getting reconnected!!

⸸ buy/trade my characters pwease ⸸

Posted 2 years, 20 days ago by SKULLVAL

hello! long time no see :weary:

uhh buy my characters or share them around if possible? pwease? im very tent on Oakley!! he is pricey and i won't really haggle he is my son. khilo is also v tent :sweat drop:

don't like anyone you see here?

check out - da-storage

i'll haggle with most there and me more likely to do trades