SN0WBAT's Bulletins

vampire comics

Posted 5 years, 4 days ago by SN0WBAT

Helloooo, long time no bulletins!! Honestly, when was the last time I did this? I swear it was years ago. (oh yup. literally three years. what the heck)

Anyway, my vampire comics. It's a thing that has no real title and is pretty much a psuedo-webcomic at this point; until now I've mostly only posted them on my twitter, which, as we all know, is completely abysmal when it comes to actually archiving stuff. 

So, due to the lack of place to store all of them in a linear order, I decided to use toyhouse as a way to archive these things!! 


It is by no means a complete collection yet, but it's still plenty of stuff. I'll be tracking down the rest of my stuff and post it there as time goes on!
Maybe, one day, it'll be on a proper site, but for now this'll do. 

I also did not draw them in the listed order, so there might be a few continuity errors here and there, mostly because I figure this out as I go along. This is very much my hobby project, haha. Not exactly ready for print, but still readable. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do :D


Posted 8 years, 6 months ago by SN0WBAT

In case you can't tell, I am currently in the progress of posting just about everyone, as well as art.

It will take a while, and it also means spam, and I am sorry.

At the moment I'm about halfways through the glowans? So yep. Those also happen to be the ones I've got the most art for, so... uh. 

I also consider making a "World" for people to submit their glowans to. That could be cool. I don't know how it works, though. Also, can you rename the world groups? 

Update: All my glowans are posted, the Avinara world group exists, except it's still kind of a WIP. I'll make a separate bulletin for when it's ready for everyone to join! 

I still have plenty of characters to go through, though. Most of them don't have tons of art like my glowans and trolls do, so don't worry about that.