


🍃🌫Welcome🌫 🍃

This folder Contains my Main chars hat I mainly Use for Drawings or to get commissions of 

these Characters have Mostly a High Amount of Art and is All Watermarked 

if I commission Someone they will get access to the unwatermarked versions 

🌫🌶Please respect the Rules and have fun🌶🌫

if you see any of my mains being used without my permission or are getting stolen please let me know right away 

If you use or claim my characters without trading nor buying them from me

and you commission artist to draw them I still won’t give you any permission on using them nor having them as side characters 

its your responsebility on what your doing and when you Commission art from a Stolen character I will see no mercy 

🍃🌫Thanks for reading🌫🍃

UFO SPIICEY Designer Female Orphan UFT Design Closed Species Coins Shiebi Doggo Adoptable Chameleon 8BallDog Sorendipity Cs Main Thumpkin NFT Vtube