SW33TB0D's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by SW33TB0D

DM me if you're interested! i'm only accepting paypal right now but i can set up another money app if need be.

WILL DO: furries, humans, object ocs, feral animals, oc x canon, LIGHT blood/gore

WON'T  DO: abuse or bigotry of any kind, nsfw, "sfw" fetish art, mechs/overly  complicated robots, irl people (like celebrities or internet  personalities and the like.)

SOME  OTHER NOTES: My artstyle fluctuates a lot, so I'll be sure to send  multiple screenshots of my progress! I'm also not very experienced with  drawing out detailed scenes, I'd be willing to try it but It will take  longer and possibly cost more depending on how complicated it is.


art fiiiight

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by SW33TB0D