SageNBerry's Bulletins

I’ll be as brief and to the point as I can, since I’m on a lunch break now, but this is still gonna be a lot.

I disappeared, sorry about that! I learned soon after I made that post that even had I earned the money needed, it would not have made a difference. I’m sure you can connect the dots, but that’s why I gave up in the aftermath. Nonetheless, I appreciate you all flooding in to help. 

Now I’m just going to do some spring cleaning so I can pay bills and try to get people the characters they wanted, move on to the next chapter. I ask that you please respect my privacy, I know some of you are annoyed that it’s been so long, but I’m an emotionally devastated mess right now frankly LMAO.

Later this afternoon once I am off of work, I’ll start moving characters to the sale folder and giving them my best guess of price. They will likely be lowballed by 5 or 10 bucks, so if you see your design and have an issue with the low price, let me know and I will work with you to fix it. 

Afterwards I will look back at everyone’s messages and do some double checks to see what they do and do not still want. 

For all of those who are being patient with me: thank you, truly. Life has been gruesome but it’s people like you who keep me going. 

For all of those who want to scream at me for dropping off the map: Totally deserved, I get it, but please grit your teeth and give me just a little more time to fight my way through this. I swear I’m more mad at myself than you could ever be. 

Hey guys! 

It's been a while, and this isn't really my official "goodbye" persay, but I'm in a sudden situation where I need a lot of money very quick, and I can't really bounce between characters and spend hours calculating how much exactly they're worth, so here's what I'm going to do.

I'm taking offers on EVERY SINGLE character in my toyhouse except for the ones in the 'Main OCs' folder. Those are still off limits, unless you offer me some crazy stupid amount I suppose. There are some characters where I will have to double check the price with the owner just to make sure it's okay, but other than that it's kind of a free for all. Like I said, I'm a bit desperate right now and willing to part with some of these babies if it means making some money.

I need about 200 dollars in total, so I'm going to keep this offer open for a while. If you're interested, please send me a message directly through Toyhouse with the characters you want and the prices you're offering. Thank you so much in advance you guys, and please know that minor financial emergency aside, I am healthy, happy and well<3