Saikky's Bulletins


Species: Aureliani                      Type: Anthro, Dragon

Status: Open species with design restrictions          Usage limitations: none

Communities:Fabebook Group #aurelianispecies

The Aureliani are a breed of mythological creatures, dragons. Like most dragons, these creatures do not have scales but they have fur, as they come from the northern snowy parts of the world. How ever, they posses golden "plates" of cartilage on their forehead, shoulder plates and sometimes shoulders and legs. Unlike most dragons, Aurelianis do not posses wings. They are told to have been cursed breed of dragons and are often not recognised as one by other dragons and thier fans for this wingless matter. Aurelianis also lack any magical or supernatural powers.

Their build is small and compact, for camoflage purposes. They have big eyes and ears so they can spot pray and be alert at all times. They aren't feral by nature any more, as they have a society of tribes or what not. Most Aureliani however have migrated to live amongst the modern anthros and few original clans remain in the north.


The Aureliani are short anthrophomorphic creatures that have lushious manes and tails. They hold a rack of horns that can be either straight or curved. They have big hands that can do complicated tasks and are as skilled as of a human's would be. Their legs are muscular and fast, but their leg paws are petite for some reason.


Their skulls remind that of a domestic feline. They have jaws alongside a set of teeth plus canines up an down. Their jaw moves only vertically, so they were originally strictly carnivores and they find it difficult to chew such things as grass - which they might grave for sometimes, depending on the individual. They have small nose that resembles a rabbit's nose, without the wiggly feature. They have a mane that they wear with pride. Their fur around the head tends to curl and form sort of a hair-cut. Their manes are conctantly growing and their maximum fur lenght is around 80cm curled. Most Aurelianis groom their mane and style it. It's a bit like a poodle would get a trim. They can treat the mane on their head as hair and style it, but it's hard to tame as the fur tends to be really soft and fluffy and sometimes curls.


Aurelianis have big eyes that are well protected in their sockets. Their natural eyecolor is red and blue and all hues between them. They can have specks of gold in their eyes and thier pupils usually are golden in color. Their pupils are similar to a cat's. They can have any colored eyes but magenta eyes are most common. Their tapetum lucidum glows blue at night and in flash photography. They have exellent night vision and overall, use their eyes as much as their ears to survay their surroundings.


Aureliani has a set of horns groving from their head. They start near the base of their ears. They carry two types of horns in their genepool, straight and curled, in which the latter is the dominant and more often seen type. Their horns and other cartilage parts appear golden but are actually just really hard and smooth and same colored, it's not really gold. Don't believe an Aureliani who tells their horns are golden.



The Aureliani posses a quite big pair of ears that have smooth fur on the outside and long, losely set tufts inside. The ears are rather expressive but their movement is limited to slight rotation and vertical movement. Their ears can be bent more but as this needs outside forces. Ear bending and unnatural positioning can be rather unpleasant and is not encouraged. Try getting a shirt on with these ears and a rack of horns.


Aurelianis height differs very little; they range from 160 cm to 165cm. They reach their full height at a young age and don't grow. Their build is lean underneath the fur, that makes them appear slightly thicker than they actually are. Usually, depending on the individual, they have basic muscular health underneath that fluff too. Their bones are thick and don't break easily. They have similar bone structure to humanoids with a flexible spine. Their internal organs remind that of a human. 

Remember that they do not have nipples, as they are not mammals but dragons!

They posses plates made out of their own cartilage, they're dragons afterall. They all have golden plates on their shoulderblades and forehead. They can have plates on spots marked below. They also can have only freckles of gold, but all of them have the shoulderblade plates.

Some are born with more plates that appear on their shoulders and legs. All aurelianis have golden horns and plates. There are rumors of those who have been born with platinum horns and plates. 



Their hand paws are four fingered, fluffy and soft. Their fingers are rather short but are still able to do all needed tasks. Their thumb enables them to handle difficult tasks too. They have a soft paw pad on their palm and also pads on their fingers. Their sharp nails curve a little.

Their leg paws are much smaller than their handpaws. They have four toes per paw with the same set of paw pads as their hands does. They have slight webbing between their toes to ease walking on snow.



full (nsfw) version: here

Aureliani's tails are their pride and they tend to groom it at least for an hour a day. They have always used tools to groom them, traditionally with a bone comb and modern Aurelianis simply use a pet brush. Their tails are at least the lenght of their height. The tail is muscular and its sceletal structure holds 48 vertebras with flexible discs. The mobility of the tail is limited to slight curl around their waist to both ways vertically. They can not lift the tail upper than 30 degree angle at the base, it would hurt their joints and cause back pain to force it upper. However while mating or what not they can manage a little stretch of the tail joints and muscles. 



The aureliani has generally thick fur all around their body. The shortest hair is on their faces where, it can be only millimeters long, still it remains dense. They have shorter hair on their tummy and inner thighs, pelvis and bum.  Longer fur grows on their thighs and arms. Really long and curly fur grows as a mane on their head and neck. Their tail is also really thick and long furred, however the ends are really flowy and silky soft. Their longest fur, their tail furs can grow to be 40cm long. Aurelianis must take good care of their coat, specially pay attenttion to their tail and mane. Feral/tribal Aurelianis bathe in snow and rivers about once a motn but modern aurelianis need to bathe, depending on their envariorment, once a week. They prefer foaming dog shampoo. Bathing is hard work, they enjoy the water for how long it lasts but getting dry is another story. They have double coats with under wool so they dry pretty quickly. Only places where thye lack this wool is their face, tummy armpits and crotch area.

Fur coloring / coat variations


Aurelianis main dominant color is white with markings or color points. Black individuals are born rarely but are possible.

They come in variety of four coat types:

Standard; which is fully white with pink paw pads (Common)

Calico; with any natural color, plus pastel hues of blue or red and pink paw pads. Calicos can have spots all around (Un-usual)

Color pointed; white coat with natural or blue hued "points" on tips of their ears, shoulder and paws (Rare)

Black: fur with blue or black paw pads. Some have golden paw pads too! (Ultra rare)

5481787_zX55AhFm25teQZX.jpgNSFW version with genitalia shown here:


There are as many different Aurelianis as there are flower petals or snowflakes. They however have some tendensies that are shown in most individuals and if not, they are showing great self dicipline to avoid enabling this natural behavior which include; napping in warm places, being cranky when hungry, being alert and wary of their surroundings and other rather feline like things. 

They have a great need to take care of their fur, if an Aureliani is not taking care of it's fur they have most likely fallen ill.

Aurelianis come from clan - like families and alliance groups of sizes from 10 to 50 individuals. They are in all, group animals that enjoy the company of close trusted memebers of their "pack". They can be difficult to break the ice with at first but if you earn the trust of an Aureliani you're going to experience the cuddles of your lifetime. 

Modern Aurelianis are what you would call that extrovert friend, but they too need someone who they can call their pack mate to stay healthy mentally. There are those Aurelianis who have tendensies of that of a hermit and there are feral ones that foam alone too. 

Aurelianis purr. It is not quite like a cat's purr, it's high pitched but strong. They however, purr for the same reasons as a cat would. 


For genitals and their function go here (NSFW)

Heat, mating

Aurelianis get heat once a year, in which period they can reproduce. Rare cases of heat happening twice a year has been recorded. Aurelianis can produce semen all year around and mate as they please, but they are rather feral during this yearly rut. 

It is actually rather hard to impregnate an Aureliani, as they are fertile for just few days, during in which their instinct tells them to bend their tail over and meow for attenttion from a potential mate. This behavior can be hidden and often modern Aurelianis take sick leaves and roost in the security of their homes, or nests.

Aureliani's gender identity can effect the way their genitalia's involuntary responses to stimulants to some level, but an aroused Aureliani is most likely to have, a hard time indeed.

Gender identity

As Aurelianis are intersex by their sex, they can identify as male female or neither.  Some enjoy mating, some dont. Some like to receive, some like to give. It depends highly on the individual. 


Kulta identifies as gender fluid. They prefer cute flowy clothes.


The Aureliani have been an unknown mystery for long but thanks to modern Aurelianis willing to share their folk lore and origin there are now good amount of recorded data about the origin and ways of the Aureliani. The breed got it's name from an unknown scientist who discovered them. I

t is not known what the Aurelianis call themselves in their native language.

Aurelianis were said to have born of off sun rays that hit the northern hemisphere where most of the year is dark during the winter. Aurelianis were born from those first sun rays of spring that blessed the harsh winter with it's warmth. 

In reality Aureliani is a northern dragon species that has developed to be it's own species and what it is now. There is no known reason why these dragons are wingless. The most likely reason is selective breeding or some other flaw in the gene pool. There are tales that are told to small Aureliani cubs to scare them off of wandering alone that in the beginning of Aureliani race they were in a war with another northern dragon breed and lost. They lost their wings in battle for territory as they were small in numbers and well... Small overall. It's rumored that their wings were ripped off their backs in aftermath of battle. De-wingin has been recorded in historical drawings and writings which show a bigger breed ripping off fluffy wings of Aurelianis.

Feral, or traditional Aurelianis live in tight hunter packs or clans. These clans usually concists of two to ten families and their cubs and offspring. They sometimes also welcome those who have been banished from their original clan. 

The clans live up north in where winters are harsh and summers short and the summer night filled with forever lasting sun. They resemble that of off a Sami people in Lappland of Norway Sweden and Finland.  

In their villages or cottages they live in tight family like social construct where they share duties equally. All hunt, all clean, all scavenge, all look after cubs. They hunt feral animals from a small bird to a deer. Their most usual prey is rabbits and galliformes. They use their feral instinct and tools such as arches and spears that they throw. Some individuals can throw daggers too but it is more rare as it is inefficient in the woods where they get their food from. They are oppoturnistic omnivores and eat anything from a berry to a frog. They do cook and use fire to warm water and their homes. 

They also use leather from their prey to make tools and harnesses to hold their weapons or tools. They do not use fabric or clothes, as there's no need for them. They use pelts of their prey to make soft nests. 

Feral Aurelianis homes are cottages made off wood. They do not have electricity and usually are outside in build decks that they keep clean and off of snow during winter. They can work wood into finer things such as simple furniture and tools and trinkets and kitchenware. 

They can make pottery and work metal on an anvil. They live in a trader's world - other clans are specialized in some skills other in those that the other aren't. They are however very capable of living completely off the touch of other individual clans.

Modern Aurelianis

Modern Aurelianis simply live as any other in our world. Aurelianis migrated long ago and some left the clans to join modern ways way back and these modern ones are offsprings of those. Modern Aurelianis do wear clothes even if they wouldn't really need to but as it is not socially accepted to go naked in public - they wear clothes. Most however hang around "naked" in their homes as it is quite the pain to get dressed when you're this fluffy.


Calico Aureliani "Koi" by Monni


Species statics:

Fandom it is created for: Furry

Creator: Säikky Secrets

Status: Open Species with design restrictions to canon colorations and so on.

Create your own Aureliani with these free bases:


So you want to make an Aureliani?

Please do so ♥ I'd love to see them! Be sure to read their description and check their refs. You can have fun with these fluffballs and do what you want with them as long as you credit them back to their creator, me.

You can sell them, trade them or use them as your own OCs. I do not really recommend to use one as a fursona as it is a species created by me and therefore really would be awkward if it was someone's fursona but well, if you really want to you can ask me and we'll see what I can do. 

I hope you do not "mix" or make "hybrids" of off these critters.

If you have any questions or would like to generally talk about Aurelianis, you may contact me directly.

Thank you for your interest, hope you have fun with them ♥

- Säikky 

[email protected]