Human OCs

Iniena Von Academy

✿ The Academy of Spring ✿

Iniena Von Academy starts here and is the main academy of the 7. With it's many districts of different environments, it's notably the (3rd) biggest academy as well. While there's plenty of said districts to explore and whatnot. Iniena is most popular for the Atelier and Pearl Coast districts respectively for Atelier's students and facilities being on the high-end and merely for Pearl Coast's seaside marketplace and restaurant. It's also the closest academy to Jeklyn!


Yutana Academy

☀ The Academy of Summer ☀

Yutana may be the least prestigious of the academies, with it being almost compared to a "community college" whenever mentioned. But it's students are the most fun to be around! With a variety of party animals, quiet kids, or kids that just want to cause chaos wherever one goes. One is sure to find a friend group here!


Tavenè Academy

ꕥ The Academy of Autumn ꕥ

Tavenè is the higher prestige academies, focusing on the toughest of magic to master and the flexibity of oneself to master combat moves as well! It's rumored that most likely 30% of the "students" that go there don't actually go there, they're there either from an actual student as a roommate, or maybe they're just living in the outskirts, actually belonging to another academy!

DariJohannaKumaruTallulahKallen Itsu

Magica Academy

❆ The Academy of Winter ❆

Magica is a really snowy school (Being the only academy having a canonically confirmed location, being Alaska) so it would make sense for only the strong willed to enroll there! Luckily, unlike the other academies. Magica is mainly an indoor school. Historical facts about the school says that it has the largest dome of all the academies. Mainly used for sky-gazing and the northern lights, which shine best at Magica!


Aeterna Academy

☁The Academy of Elements ☁

Aeterna is different from the other Academies, not being a sort of seasonal type (However, it does have it's rainy days). Rather, there are 10 different elemental factions, with each student correlating to one or the other (Except Freshmen usually, they would have to wait a year)


Empryèa Academy

✦ The Academy of Prosperity ✦

Usually Empryèa is prescribed as a "Hard to get in prestigious academy". But now under a new headmaster's rule, the leniency of acceptances have rised sky high! While also still being a prestigious academy too! A lot of the students that go there are mostly high-absolute middle class, with some exceptions of some relatively middle-lows and low classes. But it's all at the same location at the end of the day!

Kokoro SeiYomieTakieAetherXilin Meiling

KanAnoma Academy

✴ The Academy of The Future ✴

KanA Academia is known best for it's trendsetting creators and an actual balance of seasons! Although considered a prestigious academy, it's very leniet in it's acceptances. It's also very rich in quantum energy, which is nice for those that want to become creators, engineers or makers!

DurandalMurrayZhou ChaoTaraxaeSatorou Mirabel

VQ-Persèa Academy

❂ The Academy of Creation ❂

(VQ meaning "Vita Quo") This already bustling academy was just recently built in the discovery of the Xion element! The sister academy to KanAnoma, Persèa is the nearest academy to Mioanni (And closest academy to Yutana now!) Just like KanAnoma, Persèa is an academy of prestige (Which should've been expected being built by Mioanni), it looks for those determined to harness the element of Xion and create or utilize it's stability for combat as well!—But, of course. Persèa is best known for being half resort as well for the summertime area!