Of The Sea and Stars

Of The Sea and Stars


Warning this story is a WIP:  Everything here is a work in progress for now so there will be lots of plot holes and missing information!


Set in a fantasy realm this story is split between two main realms: the Kingdom (essentially earth, all mortal beings reside there) and the Higher Plane (a utopia where all immortals reside) the only known ways to cross between these realms is either through the main portal or direct teleportation only possible by the ruler. 

The story follows a young, newly crowned ruler, diety (Ren) on their journey to discover who they are. 

It has been 108 years since the murder of the Ren's parents (Asahi and Himari), the previous rulers of the realms, this sent the realms into chaos as no one had ever heard of immortal deities dying, let alone murdered (hence the word immortal). At only 72 years of age (the equivalent of 7) Ren was thrust into power as the new ruler of the realms. As crime rates in the kingdom skyrocketed in the wake of the murders Ren and their advisors fabricated catching and executing the culprit to bring closure to the kingdom. This was a success and crime rates began to decline while the court began their plan to capture the real culprits. Over the next century, Ren proved to be an ideal ruler with compassion, calmness and unwavering love for the realms and all their inhabitants.

As their coming of age approaches Ren grows more and more anxious as things grow more and more sinister events unfold in the Higher Plane. On the eve of their awakening (a ritual designed to spark awake any residual abilities rather await their appearance naturally, a symbolic marking the end of 'childhood') Ren's best friend and most trusted advisor is murdered in an assassin's ambush of the Higher Plane. Before they are able to strike Hanakage or Ren down as well Ren teleports themselves into the Kingdom.

Their only lead the dagger that almost killed them Ren is determined to uncover the truth about what is happening and why.

Main Protagonist


Ruling Deity/Ruler of the Realms

This relatively young ruler may have the face and personality of an angel but when pushed they are nothing short of fearsome.

Other Protagonists

Shadow/Ruler's bodyguard

Born mortal Hanakage was paired with Ren as their bodyguard at a young age.  She has been training her whole life to defend Ren in any situation that arises and is a terrifying warrior. As her duty is to Ren before the Court, Kingdom or Higher Plane and as Ren's closest friend she is the only person Ren completely trusts and the only Court member aware of Ren's location as Ren brought her with them. 


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.

The Main Antagonist


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.

Other Protagonists


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.

Supporting Characters

Group 1

Oracle/Member of the Court

This gifted self taught oracle is one of the only mortal member of the Court. She travels between the Higher Plane and Kingdom bi-weekly. It is expected that she will eventually ascend to immortal until she chooses an apprentice.


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.

Group 2


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.


Character Title / Role

Short summary. Or not. It's up to you, really.

Coding by celestiials

Forever Gem Art Green Pink BNHA Butterfly No Blue PKM Yellow Cobra BOTW MLP 1 Grey 2 3 White gem