(Rulers of the Feline Kingdom. abbreviated to RotFK bc the full name is too long lmao)

old story. basic idea is it's a post apocalyptic world where humans have all died out and felines now rule the earth. they're ruled by a monarch (really just a title, I don't know if it would be run like a monarchy. there may be more involved, I haven't thought much about it tbh hbjnkd), typically a big cat (most commonly a tiger). everything's fine and dandy until some miners come across an old crown and the current king, King Lyandres, goes "ooooh pretty :0 can I have that??" and the miners just shrug and hand it to him. because hey, it's just a crown, right? turns out, it's not Just a crown, but it's a crown possessed by a vengeful spirit that was murdered before they could take the throne, so now they aim to take back that throne they believe belongs to them. and now that spirit has complete control over the king and the world goes to shit because, surprise, surprise, the Crown Is Evil!

one of the main characters, Oliver, starts becoming Plagued With Visions over this, before everything really goes to shit, and he ends up finding out that, yeah, the world chose him for whatever reason and now he has to go and save the entire world. why the world chose a literal child to force this upon, who knows! so he and his best friend Cheetah go on a mission to yeet the crown off the king's head and destroy it. 

also almost all the characters are based on pets or fosters I've had that I've lost. kinda a memorial to them. really the only ones that aren't are the king and the crown (duh) and a character named Darvin.