Stars | WC ARPG

| Stars • Warrior Cat Survival Game |

Username: .henloimmabirb.
ID: 778953
HMs: - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★

-Tribe Name: Tribe of the Lion's Tooth

-CorollasTooth of the Lion - "Tooth" |  placeholder | placeholder
-Sepals: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder

-Taproots: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder
-Taproots-in-Training: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder

-Asters: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder

Sparrow that Sings in the Tree - "Sparrow"  | placeholder | placeholder
-Calyx: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder

-Queens [tbd]: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder
-Kits [tbd]: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder

-Elders [tbd]: placeholder | placeholder | placeholder

Tribe Rank descriptions and their meanings

Q. What are Corollas? 
>>>>A. "The Tribe's Founder or leader is referred to as the Corolla."

Q. What are Sepals?
>>>>A. "Sepals are cats who the Corolla trusts and confides in, they will also take over the Corolla's duties if they are unable to preform them." 

Q. What are Taproots?
>>>>A. "Taproots are the Tribe's healers.

Q. What are Taproots-in-Training?
>>>>A. wip / medicine cat apprentices

Q. What are Asters?
>>>>A. wip / seers

Q. What are Epicalyx?
>>>>A. wip / warriors

Q. What are Calyx?
>>>>A. wip / apprentices

Q. What are tbd?
>>>>A. wip / queens

Q. What are tbd?
>>>>A. wip / kits

Q. What are tbd?
>>>>A. wip / elders

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