Ferox Welsh Ponies!

||\__/|| FWPs | Ferox Welsh Ponies ||\__/|| 

! ! ^^^ READ THE THREADS ^^^ ! !

  • Stable Name :  Fairview Farm
  • Number of Horses : 17
  • Mares :  5
  • Stallions : 12
  • Chicken Smoothie User : .henloimmabirb.


| Adagio | Benny | Chief | Dash | Dutch | Ferris | Micah | Poco | Sunday | Sweetie | Tarmi | Toasty | Wapiti |


| Dancer | Dreamer | Lilbit | Tobia |


none yet...

--New form to use for FWP when I have time to edit-- planning on updating all my ponies profiles! reorganizing stuff and such ;; it has been too long 

Username: .henloimmabirb.
Show Name: xxxx
Stable Name: xxxx
Gender: Stallion/or/Mare
Eye Color: xxxx
Height: xxxx
Age: xxxx
Date of Birth: 00/00/2000
Phenotype: xxxx
Genotype: aa|ee|xx|xx|xx
Dam: Foundation / or link Dam if breeding
Sire: Foundation / or link Sire if breeding
Breeding Notes:
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
Breedings: X-name of foal | X-name of foal |