
All designs within this folder are up for trade or selling. Please check the subfolders and character descriptions for details on price and/or what can be offered.
Please send offers through PMs, or a trade forum thread if I have any up at the time.

One asterisk (*): Easy trades - Designs I am not attached at all

Two asterisks (**): Medium trades - Designs I still like a little, but would not mind trading

Three asterisks (***): Hard trades - Designs I still like, and will be picky on offers

All characters created by me are under these Adoptable Rules
For designs created by other artists, please check if they have any available TOS or rules in their accounts.

Articularias for sale |
Designs for sale | Designs for trade | Pending trades

female wip need icon chibi adopt adoptable cute sell sale trade lineless humanoid adopted original species o single yellow blue white black