SeasonDasher's Bulletins

yo you can see my th now

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by SeasonDasher

I finally like unhide my whole th so you can see it now yay

I need voice actors!!!

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by SeasonDasher

idk if anyone will see this bc not many people are subbed to me but ye

I need va's :D!
I'm planning on making a storyboard/sketched first ep of like a cartoon story I've been working on and I thought it would be cool if I could get some people to voice the chars!
there is also a high chance that once I meet this goal that I will want to continue making these storyboard/sketch versions of the eps so I would need the people who voiced the chars to stick around -w-

also idk if people who do random stuff like this pay people who wanna va or not but I can't really do that bc I have no money so qwq

if anyone is interested and wanna know more please lmk :D!!

aaaa :')

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by SeasonDasher

have you ever wanted to be friends with someone you meet bc they seem very cool and nice but your too scared to ask if they'd want to be your friend qwq


Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by SeasonDasher


ilysm and I hope you have a great day :D!!
and dw I'll will find the motivation to draw you like 14 gifts or smth >:D!!!

also I would have posted this sooner but uh- sleep- lol qwq

I know no one even even notices me but anyone who does go check out tusk
they are very cool and have best art and designs in the world uwu

they are the best person ever and I love them very much 💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙

hi i wanna make more friends

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by SeasonDasher

i've felt lonely lately and wanna talk with more people so i made this

random stuff about me or smth idk

minor (14)

im an artist and animator
im really into the owl house and amphibia atm bc they really good shows
i like to do rps with like ocs and stuff, especially with like a full on world and plot
doing art and/or design trades is like my fav thing :)

if any of that sounds like a reason you'd wanna be friends with me then feel free to say smth :D

really wanna do design trades

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by SeasonDasher

i really wanna do more design trades with people bc a lot of people have really cool designs
idk if anyone will even see this but if anyone does im open for design trades lol :)

I just realized i could do this

Posted 3 years, 11 days ago by SeasonDasher

I have had toyhouse for- uhhh- awhile

and I just realized that I could do this lmao -w-

idk if I will even use bulletins but hey it here if I want to :D