Fantasy and Hell

"Realm of Fantasy and Hell, it´s just the name for this folder tho you can also consider it hell itself. Or you can think of it as portal that connects their world to earth. Here you will find all my Demons, Hellhounds,Skulldogs, maybe Ghosts and any other creature that lurks in the shadows. As well as other fantastic creatures, that don´t necessarily belong to the underworld or celestial, some of them are a mix of different species and others would look like any other animal if not for their unnatural features, colors or size. Most of this creatures live on earth tormenting humans or hiding from them. Others would actually help humans in their daily lives, protecting them from the other demons and their planet. It´s hard to tell wich one you will find here.


So you better be careful."


Intro by me, hope you like it and Enjoy! ♥